Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PS, PSB, PSF, PSM, PST, PTM, GLUE, GI!, GIG

File Type:Paul Shields song
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:PaulShields song/module. Used on Amiga computers.
Open Programs:

Amiga Forever

Company / developer:

Amiga Forever

All editions of Amiga Forever include everything you need to run different emulation engines, operating system versions, games and demoscene productions in simple one-click steps.

The Value Edition is a relatively compact download for Windows, and includes the versions of the Amiga operating system required to run the majority (more than 95%) of games and applications.

The Plus Edition includes a complete set of ROM and operating system versions (all from 1.0 to 3.X), a wider selection of preinstalled games and demoscene productions, a gallery of items of historical interest, and additional cross-platform content.

Both the Value Edition and the Plus Edition open the doors to thousands of additional Amiga games and demos which are available for free download from software publishers and Amiga history sites alike. Furthermore, the Premium Edition bundles the Plus Edition content with two video DVDs.

File Type:Pinnacle sound bank file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:File extension used by Pinnacle sound cards for sound banks. 8 or 16-bits, mono or stereo sound format. Contains loops, names, instruments, drum-kits.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Sony Playstation sound format
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:PSF (Portable Sound Format) brings the functionality of NSF, SID, SPC, and GBS to next-generation consoles. PSF utilizes the original music driver code from each game to replay sequenced music in a perfectly authentic, and size-efficient, way.

The general idea is that a PSF file contains a zlib-compressed program which, if executed on the real console, would simply play the music.
Open Programs:

Winamp with PSF input plugin

Company / developer:


Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music and video player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins, plus audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. additional features including free-form skins, a new decoder, built-in cross fade, and an advanced Media Library.

Highly Experimental is a plugin for Winamp and XMPlay that plays PSF and PSF2 files. It features a tag editor, configurable title format, options for song lengths and silence suppression, replay gain scanning, and much more.

File Type:Protracker Studio module (sound)
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 or 16-bits mono sound format. Contains loops, names, collections.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:MIDI Studio preset file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Preset file is used by MIDI Studio. Preset for the mixer filters.
Open Programs:

Music Maker

Company / developer:

Music Maker

With this application you can create and remix new songs or dub video recordings really easily.
It is an all-in-one solution for audio, video and music.


  • 3,000 new sound loop - in tried and tested MAGIX quality by internationally acclaimed producers.
  • Media database - find every sound fast.
  • Explorer splitting - simultaneous control of even more sounds.
  • Sound loops and MIDI loops - thousands of new sound loops and MIDI loops.
  • Enhanced design - enhanced design with extra features.
  • MAGIX Vital Instruments™ - sound amazingly realistic and lively.
  • 25 professional studio effects - Realistic Reverb, Echo and Compressor.
  • 12 instruments, BeatBox and Synths - for unique beats, melodies and bass sounds.
  • MIDI Editor - enhanced design and user guidance.
  • Drum Editor - create unique beats quickly & easily.
  • Effects-Presets - perfectly set effects.
  • Vintage Effects Suite - lively, warm effects like Chorus, Flanger, Filter.
  • Revolta™ Bass & Lead Synthesizer - powerful bass sounds & impressive melodies.
  • MAGIX Mastering Suite 2.0 - professional mixdown of your music.
  • Effect automation - individually customize selected effects.
  • Guitar tube amplifier - unique tube sound on your PC.
File Type:Poly Tracker module
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 / 16-bits mono sound format. Contains loops, names, collections.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:GlueMon audio file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:4 voices, multisongs. Small enough to fit in a bootcode (<1012 bytes).
Open Programs:

Amiga Forever

Company / developer:

Amiga Forever

All editions of Amiga Forever include everything you need to run different emulation engines, operating system versions, games and demoscene productions in simple one-click steps.

The Value Edition is a relatively compact download for Windows, and includes the versions of the Amiga operating system required to run the majority (more than 95%) of games and applications.

The Plus Edition includes a complete set of ROM and operating system versions (all from 1.0 to 3.X), a wider selection of preinstalled games and demoscene productions, a gallery of items of historical interest, and additional cross-platform content.

Both the Value Edition and the Plus Edition open the doors to thousands of additional Amiga games and demos which are available for free download from software publishers and Amiga history sites alike. Furthermore, the Premium Edition bundles the Plus Edition content with two video DVDs.

File Type:GigaSampler/GigaStudio split file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 / 16 / 24-bits mono sound format, contains loops, envelopes, lfo's, collections, instruments, layers, lossless PCM compression (of 16 / 24-bits PCM formats), sample start offsets, multiple filter types. GI! files are split over multiple CD-ROM's.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

TASCAM has once again redefined the high-end of sampling workstations with GigaStudio. The new version supports 64-bit operating systems like XP64 and Windows Vista 64, allowing users to access up to 128 gigabytes of RAM for loading massive sample libraries and compositional templates. GigaStudio also hosts VSTi and GVI virtual instruments, loading or stacking instruments alongside GigaStudio instrument libraries. When hosted in GigaStudio, virtual instruments based on TASCAM's GVI gain the advantages of kernel-level processing, offering lower latency than other host applications. Hundreds of enhancements have been made from GigaStudio 3, TASCAM's previous TEC Award-Winning sampling workstation, such as an all-new QuickSound database tool, additions to the QuickEdit interface and many user interface improvements.

File Type:GigaSampler/GigaStudio file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 / 16 / 24-bits mono sound format, contains loops, envelopes, lfo's, collections, instruments, layers, lossless PCM compression (of 16 / 24-bits PCM formats), sample start offsets, multiple filter types.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

TASCAM has once again redefined the high-end of sampling workstations with GigaStudio. The new version supports 64-bit operating systems like XP64 and Windows Vista 64, allowing users to access up to 128 gigabytes of RAM for loading massive sample libraries and compositional templates. GigaStudio also hosts VSTi and GVI virtual instruments, loading or stacking instruments alongside GigaStudio instrument libraries. When hosted in GigaStudio, virtual instruments based on TASCAM's GVI gain the advantages of kernel-level processing, offering lower latency than other host applications. Hundreds of enhancements have been made from GigaStudio 3, TASCAM's previous TEC Award-Winning sampling workstation, such as an all-new QuickSound database tool, additions to the QuickEdit interface and many user interface improvements.

File Type:Bells, Whistles, and Sound Boards module
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:BWSB is a digital sound and music programming library for use in games, demos, intros, etc. All music and sound effects are played in the background, allowing your program to do anything it likes while the sound and music is playing.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC